Top 5 advantages and disadvantages of Decision Tree Algorithm

Dhiraj K
2 min readMay 26, 2019

Decision Tree is a very popular machine learning algorithm. Decision Tree solves the problem of machine learning by transforming the data into a tree representation. Each internal node of the tree representation denotes an attribute and each leaf node denotes a class label.

A decision tree algorithm can be used to solve both regression and classification problems.

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  1. Compared to other algorithms decision trees requires less effort for data preparation during pre-processing.
  2. A decision tree does not require normalization of data.
  3. A decision tree does not require scaling of data as well.
  4. Missing values in the data also do NOT affect the process of building a decision tree to any considerable extent.
  5. A Decision tree model is very intuitive and easy to explain to technical teams as well as stakeholders.


  1. A small change in the data can cause a large change in the structure of the decision tree causing instability.
  2. For a Decision tree sometimes calculation can go far more complex compared to other algorithms.
  3. Decision tree often involves higher time to train the model.
  4. Decision tree training is relatively expensive as the complexity and time has taken are more.
  5. The Decision Tree algorithm is inadequate for applying regression and predicting continuous values.

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End Notes:

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Dhiraj K

Data Scientist & Machine Learning Evangelist. I like to mess with data.