Debug TensorFlow Code for Python and Machine Learning

Dhiraj K
12 min readJul 12, 2023


Debug TensorFlow Code for Python and Machine Learning
Photo by Neringa Hünnefeld on Unsplash


TensorFlow, a Google Brain creation, is an open-source library for large-scale machine learning and numerical computation. It simplifies data acquisition, model training, prediction serving, and future result refinement. TensorFlow packages Machine Learning and Deep Learning models and algorithms, with Python as a convenient front-end.

Debugging is an essential step in any machine-learning project. As machine learning models become increasingly complex, the chances of introducing errors or inconsistencies in the code also increase. Debugging involves identifying and fixing these errors, ranging from simple syntax errors to more complex issues like incorrect data inputs or model architectures. Debugging is crucial in ensuring the model produces accurate results, avoids costly mistakes, and saves time and effort in the long run.

Debugging can save time and effort in machine learning projects in several ways. First, early identification and fixing of errors can prevent more significant issues, saving time and resources. It can also help improve the model’s accuracy, ensuring that it produces the desired results. Debugging can also enhance code quality. Additionally, having solid debugging skills can improve the efficiency and productivity of machine learning developers, making them better equipped to tackle more challenging projects in the future. In summary, debugging is a critical aspect of machine learning development that can save time and effort, improve accuracy, and enhance developer skills.

In this article, we will discuss the top methods to debug TensorFlow code for Python and machine learning.

In the next section, let’s discuss how to use print statements to output values and variables at different points in the code to identify errors or inconsistencies.

Use print statements

To use print statements in TensorFlow code, you can use Python’s built-in print() function to output the values of variables and tensors at different points in the code. Here’s an example:

import tensorflow as tf

# Define a simple TensorFlow model
x = tf.constant(5)
y = tf.constant(10)
z = tf.multiply(x, y)

# Add a print statement to output the value of z
print("The value of z is:", z.numpy())

# Define a TensorFlow session to run the model
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Run the model and output the value of z
result =
print("The result is:", result)

This example defines a simple TensorFlow model that multiplies two constants, x, and y, to produce z. We then add a print statement to output the value of z using the numpy() method, which converts the tensor to a NumPy array.

We also define a TensorFlow session to run the model and output the value of z using the method. The result is then printed using the print() function.

By using print statements at different points in the code, we can identify errors or inconsistencies in the values of variables and tensors. For example, if the value of z is not what we expect, we can look at the values of x and y to see if they are correct. Debugging in this way can help us identify and fix errors quickly, saving time and effort in the development process.

In the next section, let’s discuss the importance of checking data input and how to use functions like tf.debugging.assert_all_finite() to identify invalid inputs.

Check data input

Checking data input is an essential aspect of machine learning development because the quality and consistency of the data can significantly affect the performance and accuracy of the model. Invalid inputs can lead to incorrect predictions or cause the model to crash during training or inference. Therefore, checking the data input for inconsistencies or errors is crucial before using it in the model.

One way to check for invalid inputs in TensorFlow is using tf.debugging.assert_all_finite() function. This function checks if all elements in a tensor are finite (not NaN or infinite) and raise an exception if any of them are not. Here's an example:

import tensorflow as tf

# Define a tensor with invalid input
x = tf.constant([1.0, 2.0, float('nan'), 4.0])

# Check for invalid input using tf.debugging.assert_all_finite()
tf.debugging.assert_all_finite(x, "Invalid input detected!")

In this example, let us define a tensor x that contains a NaN value. We then use the tf.debugging.assert_all_finite() function to check for invalid input and raise an exception if any are detected. The second argument to the function is an error message that will be printed if any invalid input is detected.

By using functions like tf.debugging.assert_all_finite(), we can identify and fix invalid inputs before using them in the model. This can help prevent errors and inconsistencies affecting the model’s accuracy and ensure that the model produces reliable results.

In the next section, let’s discuss how to use tf.shape() to verify that the shapes of tensors are consistent throughout the code.

Check the shapes of tensors

To use tf.shape() to verify that the shapes of tensors are consistent throughout the code, you can call the function at different points in the code to output the shape of a tensor and compare it to the expected shape. This can help identify inconsistencies or errors in the tensor’s shape and ensure the tensor is used correctly in the model.

import tensorflow as tf

# Define a tensor with a known shape
x = tf.constant([[1, 2], [3, 4]])

# Output the shape of x
print("The shape of x is:", tf.shape(x))

# Reshape x to a different shape
y = tf.reshape(x, [1, 4])

# Output the shape of y and compare it to the expected shape
expected_shape = [1, 4]
assert tf.shape(y).numpy().tolist() == expected_shape, "Unexpected shape detected!"

In this example, let us define a tensor x with a known shape and output the shape of x using tf.shape(). We can then compare the tensor’s shape to the expected shape and ensure it is correct.

We then reshape x to a different shape and use tf.shape() to output the shape of the new tensor y. We can compare the shape of y to the expected shape and raise an exception if any inconsistencies are detected.

Finally, we use y in the model and output the final shape of the tensor in the model. We can use tf.shape() to verify that the shape is consistent with the expected shape and ensure the tensor is used correctly.

By using tf.shape() to verify the consistency of tensor shapes throughout the code, we can identify and fix shape-related errors early in the development process and ensure that the model produces accurate results.

In the next section, let’s discuss using TensorFlow’s built-in debugging tools, including tf.debugging.check_numerics() and tf.debugging.assert_near().

Use TensorFlow’s debug tools

TensorFlow provides several built-in debugging tools to help identify and fix errors and inconsistencies in machine learning code. Two of these tools are tf.debugging.check_numerics() and tf.debugging.assert_near().

tf.debugging.check_numerics() is a function that checks if all elements in a tensor are finite (not NaN or infinite) and raise an exception if any of them are not. This function can identify invalid inputs or incorrect calculations that may produce NaN or infinite values. Here's an example:

import tensorflow as tf

# Define a tensor with potentially invalid input
x = tf.constant([1.0, 2.0, float('nan'), 4.0])

# Check for invalid input using tf.debugging.check_numerics()
tf.debugging.check_numerics(x, "Invalid input detected!")

In this example, let us define a tensor x that contains a NaN value. We then use the tf.debugging.check_numerics() function to check for invalid input and raise an exception if any are detected. The second argument to the function is an error message that will be printed if any invalid input is detected.

tf.debugging.assert_near() is a function that checks if two tensors are nearly equal within a certain tolerance and raise an exception if they are not. This function can be used to verify that the model is producing the expected output or to compare the output of the model to a known ground truth. Here's an example:

import tensorflow as tf

# Define two tensors to compare
x = tf.constant([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
y = tf.constant([[1.1, 1.9], [3.1, 4.2]])

# Check if the tensors are nearly equal using tf.debugging.assert_near()
tolerance = 0.2
tf.debugging.assert_near(x, y, rtol=tolerance, atol=tolerance, message="Tensors not nearly equal!")

In this example, we define two tensors, x, and y, with slightly different values. We then use the tf.debugging.assert_near() function to check if the tensors are nearly equal within a certain tolerance. The rtol and atol parameters define the relative and absolute tolerances, respectively. The third parameter is the error message printed if the tensors are not nearly equal.

By using tf.debugging.check_numerics() and tf.debugging.assert_near(), we can identify and fix errors and inconsistencies in TensorFlow code early on in the development process and ensure that the model produces accurate and reliable results.

In the next section, let’s discuss using TensorBoard to visualize the graph, variables, and other aspects of the code to help identify errors.

Use TensorBoard

TensorBoard is a powerful visualization tool that can help identify errors and optimize the performance of TensorFlow code. Here’s how to use TensorBoard to visualize the graph, variables, and other aspects of the code:

  1. First, add the following code to your TensorFlow script to create a SummaryWriter object:
from tensorflow.summary import create_file_writer, scalar

logdir = "logs/" # Choose a directory to store the TensorBoard logs
summary_writer = create_file_writer(logdir)

The SummaryWriter object will be used to write summary data to the log directory.

2. Next, add the following code to your TensorFlow script to log summary data for the graph:

with summary_writer.as_default():
tf.summary.trace_on(graph=True, profiler=True)
# Define and run the TensorFlow model here
tf.summary.trace_export(name="graph_trace", step=0, profiler_outdir=logdir)

This code will log summary data for the graph, including information about the model’s nodes, edges, and variables.

3. Run your TensorFlow script and wait for it to complete.

4. Open TensorBoard by running the following command in your terminal:

tensorboard --logdir logs/

5. Navigate to http://localhost:6006/ in your web browser to view the TensorBoard dashboard.

6. Click on the “Graphs” tab to view a visualization of the TensorFlow graph.

7. Click on the “Histograms” tab to view the histograms of the variables in the model.

8. Click on the “Scalars” tab to view scalar values that were logged during the training process, such as the loss and accuracy.

9. Use the interactive tools in TensorBoard to zoom, pan, and explore the visualizations to gain insights into the model’s behavior.

10. Look for any unexpected or irregular behavior in the visualizations that could indicate errors or inefficiencies in the model. Use this information to change the model or the training process as needed.

Using TensorBoard to visualize the graph, variables, and other aspects of the code, you can gain insights into the model’s behavior and identify errors or inefficiencies that may slow down the training process or produce inaccurate results.

In the next section, let’s discuss using tf.debugging.check_numerics() to check optimizer and loss functions for invalid values.

Check optimizer and loss functions

In TensorFlow, tf.debugging.check_numerics() is a built-in debugging function that can check whether tensors contain any NaN, Inf, or -Inf values. These invalid values can often arise in optimizer and loss functions during training, leading to unexpected or unstable behavior in the model. Here's how to use tf.debugging.check_numerics() to check optimizer and loss functions for invalid values:

  1. First, add the following import statement to your TensorFlow script:
from tensorflow.debugging import check_numerics

2. Next, identify the optimizer or loss function you want to check for invalid values. For example, you might have code like the following:

optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.001)
loss_fn = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError()

3. Wrap the optimizer or loss function call with tf.debugging.check_numerics(), like this:

with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
# Define the model and input data here
predictions = model(inputs)
loss = loss_fn(labels, predictions)
gradients = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_variables)
check_numerics(gradients, "Gradient NaN/Inf detected")
optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, model.trainable_variables))
check_numerics(loss, "Loss NaN/Inf detected")

Here, check_numerics() is used to check the gradients and loss values for invalid values before applying the gradients to the optimizer. The second argument to check_numerics() is a message that will be printed to the console if any invalid values are found.

Run your TensorFlow script and monitor the console output for any messages from check_numerics() indicating that invalid values were detected.

InvalidArgumentError: Gradient NaN/Inf detected : Tensor had NaN values

If check_numerics() detects invalid values, it will raise an InvalidArgumentError exception and halt the training process. You can use the information in the error message to identify the source of the problem and make changes to the code as needed.

By using tf.debugging.check_numerics() to check optimizer and loss functions for invalid values, you can catch potential issues early in the training process and prevent them from causing problems later on. This can be very effective in debugging and troubleshooting the model and ultimately help to produce more accurate and reliable results.

In the next section, let’s discuss the importance of checking the model architecture and how to use TensorBoard to visualize the graph and identify issues.

Check model architecture

Checking the model architecture is an essential step in debugging machine learning projects because it can help identify issues with how the model is designed and processes input data. If the model is correctly designed, it can lead to good performance or unexpected results. Here are some ways to check the model architecture and use TensorBoard to visualize the graph and identify issues:

  1. Use model.summary() to print a summary of the model architecture, including the number of parameters and the shapes of the input and output tensors. This can help you quickly identify issues with the size or shape of the input data.
  2. Use TensorBoard to visualize the model graph and inspect the layers and their connections. To do this, add the following code to your script:
tensorboard_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir="./logs")

This will create a callback that writes TensorBoard logs to the specified directory.

After training the model, launch TensorBoard by running the following command in your terminal:

tensorboard --logdir=./logs

This will start TensorBoard and allow you to view the model graph and other visualizations.

In TensorBoard, click on the “Graphs” tab to view the model graph. You can hover over nodes to see the shapes of the input and output tensors and click on nodes to view more detailed information about the layers and their parameters.

Use the graph visualization to identify issues with the model architecture, such as incorrect layer connections or unexpected tensor shapes. You can also use TensorBoard to visualize other aspects of the model, such as the distribution of weights and biases.

By checking the model architecture and using TensorBoard to visualize the graph and other aspects of the model, you can identify issues early in the development process and make changes to improve performance and accuracy. This can be very effective in debugging and troubleshooting the model and ultimately help to produce more accurate and reliable results.

In the next section, let’s discuss using code analyzers like TensorFlow’s tf.function and Python’s pylint to catch errors and inconsistencies.

Use code analyzers

Code analyzers are potent tools that help identify errors and inconsistencies in machine-learning projects before they become significant issues. Two examples of code analyzers are TensorFlow’s tf.function and Python's pylint.

tf.function is a decorator that can be applied to a Python function to convert it into a TensorFlow graph function. This can help optimize the performance of the function and catch errors early on when a function is decorated with tf.function, TensorFlow will automatically trace the function and create a graph that can be optimized for execution on various devices.

One benefit of using the tf.function is that it can catch errors related to TensorFlow operations and variables, such as unsupported data types or incorrect tensor shapes. Additionally, the tf.function can help optimize the performance of the function by reducing overhead related to Python function calls and variable creation.

Python’s pylint is another code analyzer that can help catch errors and inconsistencies in machine learning projects. pylint, which analyzes Python code for potential errors and issues related to style and best practices, is a static code analysis tool. It can help catch errors related to variable naming, code formatting, and other common issues that can affect the readability and maintainability of the code.

By using code analyzers like tf.function and pylint, developers can catch errors and inconsistencies early in the development process and improve the overall quality of the code. This can reduce the time and effort required for debugging and troubleshooting, leading to more accurate and reliable machine-learning models.

Let’s conclude this article in the next section.


This article discussed a comprehensive guide to debugging TensorFlow machine learning projects. It emphasizes the importance of checking data input, model architecture, optimizer, and loss functions, using tools like TensorBoard and code analyzers such as tf.function and pylint.

Apart from these strategies, there are other future debugging strategies that developers can use to improve the quality of their machine-learning projects. For example, automated testing can help catch issues related to changes in the code, and continuous integration can help catch errors earlier in the development process. Developers can produce more accurate and reliable machine-learning models by continually improving debugging strategies and tools.



Dhiraj K
Dhiraj K

Written by Dhiraj K

Data Scientist & Machine Learning Evangelist. I love transforming data into impactful solutions and sharing my knowledge through teaching.

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